Monday, March 23, 2020

4 Ways Learning Spanish Can Boost Your Career

4 Ways Learning Spanish Can Boost Your Career Maile Proctor Learning a new language can provide countless benefits, but did you know that learning Spanish can also be extremely beneficial in your career? Here, Spanish tutor  Emmanuel N. explains how learning Spanish can help you in the workplace.   Speaking Spanish can help you in virtually any job or position. Whether you work in customer service or you’re an accountant or a CEO, here are four ways learning Spanish can boost your career. Improve Relationships If you work in an environment with a lot of bilingual people or Spanish speakers, learning Spanish can improve your relationships with your coworkers and clients. Understanding Spanish will eliminate any language barriers, and  make your work life easier and less stressful. You will be able to communicate with your coworkers and customers on a deeper level.  Even if youre just beginning to learn Spanish, your coworkers will be happy to help you practice. Better Customer Service If youre able to assist a Spanish-speaking client or customer in their native language, it will make for a better customer experience, and lead to better reviews for you and your company. If youre one of the few bilingual employees at your job, this will set you apart and make you the go-to person to help Spanish-speaking clients. To learn a few helpful Spanish phrases for customer service positions, check out this quick overview- Stand Out in the Job Market Job hunting can be extremely stressful. Most of the time, youre competing for the same position with other people with similar skills and backgrounds. Understanding another language can set you apart from your competition.  People who speak two or more languages are generally very intelligent. Employers know this, so if youre looking for a new job, knowing two languages could give you the upper hand. Speaking Spanish makes you more useful and valuable in the workplace. Promotion Potential Looking to move up in your career? Learning Spanish could give you the edge you need for that promotion at work. When your boss or manager is looking for someone to move up within the company, he or she will most likely look toward the most useful, helpful, and versatile employee. If you speak Spanish, and have demonstrated your proficiency at work (in a way that proves beneficial to the company), then your boss is more likely to consider you for a promotion or new opportunity. The benefits of learning Spanish are well worth the time and effort. With Spanish lessons and consistent practice, you can master the language and boost your career! Emmanuel M. teaches Spanish online. A California State University, Fullerton graduate and native Spanish speaker, he also teaches essay writing, study skills, and singing.  Learn more about Emmanuel here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Reynarmedia

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